11. jun / June 9
17.00 - na engleskom / in English
19.00 - na srpskom / in Serbian

Pozorišni program International Theater Days prošao je selekciju od 1327 aplikacija, a Dom kulture „Studentski grad" sklopio partnerstvo za dva performansa u okviru jednog od 19 odabranih projekata uz podršku Perform Europe.

The theater program International Theater Days passed the selection of 1327 applications, and the Students’ City Cultural Center entered a partnership for two performances within one of the 19 selected projects with the support of Perform Europe as part of the Performing Futures: Uninvited Guests’ BILLENNIUM and TO THOSE BORN LATER project.

Partners: Uninvited Guests (UK), IKUSEEARTE (Spain), Students’ City Cultural Center - International Theater Days (Serbia), Artopolis Association (Hungary)

Producers: Uninvited Guests, UK and Duncan Speakman

Teatarski vođena šetnja kroz Studentski grad / Theatrical guided tour through Students’ City

Photo: Paul Clarke; Boudewijn Bollmann, STRP Festival, Eindhoven, 2019

Trajanje / Duration: 60 min
Prisustvo je besplatno uz obavezno prijavljivanje na mejl / Free of charge with registration on e-mail: teatar@dksg.rs
Broj publike po performansu / Number of audience per performance: 15

Billennium je teatarski vođena šetnja kroz Studentski grad, ali ne kroz istorijske delove, nego kroz delove Studentskog grada budućnosti u kojoj hodate kroz vreme do SCI FI lokacija utopija i distopija. Buduća arhitektura se prikazuje ispred vaših očiju i čujete kako bi različiti svetovi mogli da zvuče u arheologiji budućnosti. Nosite mobilne telefone koji intepretiraju i vizualizuju tragove onog sto će tek doći. Šetnja se završava mogućnošću da se zajedno dizajnira grad sutrašnjice i vide građevine, koje ste zamislili i koje se naslanjaju na današnju arhitekturu, a sve uz pomoc AR tehnologije (augmented reallity). Imerzivnost performansa obezbeđena je live stream višekanalnim zvukom dodeljenim spekulativnoj arhitekturi nastaloj u realnom vremenu na osnovu postojećih građevina.

Billennium je drugačiji pri svakoj izvedbi, iznova kreiran za svako posebno mesto. Kroz Billennium, trupa Uninvited Gusests nastavlja svoje istraživanje na temu: kako tehnologije mogu da posluže usavršavanju izvedbe uz učešće publike koja je pozvana da se priključi autorstvu perfromansa, da oblikuje rezultat performansa i proizvede zajedničke društvene snove. Utopijska i Distopijska razmišljanja su upotrebljena kao sredstvo za kritiku, omogućavajući učesnicima da osmisle lokalne promene i planove za razvijanje i zamišljanje moguće budućnosti.

Billennium is a theatrical guided tour through Students’ City, not of historic sites, but of a City’s futures, on which you walk through time to the locations of utopian and dystopian science fictions. Future architecture appears before your eyes, and you hear what different worlds might sound like. Accompanied by archaeologists of the future, you carry mobile devices that interpret and visualise traces of what’s to come. The tour concludes with an opportunity to design tomorrow’s city together and see the buildings you imagine layered onto the architecture of today using AR (augmented reality). Livestreamed, multichannel audio immerses you in sci-fi location sounds and speculative architecture is drawn in real-time over the existing buildings.

Billennium is different every time it is performed, re-made uniquely for specific places. It continues Uninvited Guests exploration of how technologies can facilitate the cocreation of performance with participating audiences, who are invited to share in the
work’s authorship, shape its outcome, and do some social dreaming together. Utopian
and dystopian thinking are used as critical tools, enabling participants to reflect on local changes or plans for redevelopment and to imagine preferred futures.

Made with creative technologists Michele Pannegrossi and Luca Biada (Fenyce) and animator Sam Steer. Originally commissioned by Watershed Media Centre and University of Bristol’s Smart Internet Lab, for their Layered Realities Platform, 2018.

Perform Europe is an EU-funded project aimed to rethink how performing arts works are presented across borders in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way by testing new touring and distribution practices and providing policy recommendations for a future EU support scheme. This 18-month journey includes a research phase, launching a digital platform, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations.

Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations: IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN – European Dancehouse Network, and IDEA Consult.


Фотографије: Анђела Дабић
