Subota, 5. oktobar, 11.30, Mala sala DKSG
24 Hour Comic
režija: Milan Erceg
SAD, 2017, 71 min


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5. oktobar, 13.00 – 6. oktobar, 13.00, Galerija

Međunarodni dan 24-časovnog crtanja stripova je događaj koji se tradicionalno održava svake godine, prve subote u oktobru i traje 24 sata. U pitanju je izazov koji je devedesetih godina prošlog veka osmislio američki strip autor i teoretičar Skot Meklaud (Scott McCloud) a koji podrazumeva sledeće: nacrtati strip od 24 strane za 24 časa kao vežbu kojom je, on tada, želeo da testira sopstvene mogućnosti. Od 2004. godine ovaj događaj se, istog dana u godini, odigrava širom sveta u umetničkim školama, prodavnicama stripova, galerijama, kulturnim centrima, a od ove godine se organizovanju 24 sata crtanja stripova pridružuje i Dom kulture Studentski grad u Beogradu.

Pre početka događaja biće premijerno prikazan dugometražni dokumentarni film 24 Hours Comic (2017.) američkog režisera Milana Ercega. U pitanju je interesantna priča koja prati nastanak 24 strane stripa tokom 24 sata od strane osam autora koji su se okupili u prodavnici stripova u Portlandu (SAD), sa intervijuima i intrigantnim situacijama koji otkrivaju šta je to privuklo ove autore da se upuste u izazov i testiraju svoje umetničke granice. http://www.24hourcomicmovie.com/

Deo grupe učesnika događaja 24 sata crtanja stripova u Domu kulture Studentski grad formiran je po pozivu i uključuje goste iz inostranstva, ali će moći da se priključe i svi zainteresovani koji žele da se oprobaju u ovom izazovu. Kao ustanova koja je zvanično registrovana na sajtu http://www.24hourcomicsday.com/ kao domaćin ovog događaja u Srbiji, Dom kulture Studentski grad će biti u prilici da rezultate i atmosferu sa radionice tokom trajanja podeli na ovom internacionalnom linku.

Događaj se odvija tokom trajanja 16. Međunarodnog Festivala animiranog Filma Balkanima.

Događaj je podržan od strane Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije i Gradskog sekretarijata za kulturu grada Beograda.


Students‘ City Cultural Centre, Small Hall
5th October 11.30
d: Milan Erceg
USA, 2017, 71min

Students‘ City Cultural Centre, Gallery
5th October, 13.00 – 6th October 13:00

International day of 24 Hours Comic Day is an event starting each year on the first Saturday in October and lasting for 24 hours. It is a challenge envisioned by an American comic book author and theoretician Scott McCloud in the 1990s: draw a 24-page comic in 24 hours, as an exercise for testing your own possibilities. Since 2004, this event happens simultaneously all over the world in art schools, comic book shops, galleries, cultural centres, and this year, Student‘s City Cultural Centre in Belgrade will also join in organizing the 24 Hours Comic event.

Before the event, there will be a free premiere of feature-length documentary 24 Hour Comic by the American director Milan Erceg. This interesting story follows 24 hours of creating a 24-page comic by eight authors gathered in a comic book shop in Portland (USA) and features interviews and intriguing situations which reveal what has drawn these authors to enter the challenge and test their artistic boundaries. http://www.24hourcomicmovie.com/

A part of the group of participants of the 24 Hours Comic event held at Students‘ City Cultural Centre was formed after an invitation and it includes foreign guests, but anyone who is interested to create 24 pages of a comic in 24 hours will be free to join this challenge. As an institution which is officially registered at the http://www.24hourscomicsday.com/ website as the host of this event in Serbia, Students‘ City Cultural Centre will be able to share the results and the atmosphere of this event on this international link during the event.

The event takes place during the 16th edition of the International Festival of Animated Film Balkanima.

The Event is supported by Ministry of Culture and Information of Republic of Serbia and Secretariat for Culture, City of Belgrade.
