Krajem oktobra počinje sa radom škola za fotografiju Fotografija kao sredstvo komunikacije

Božidar Zečević

Dragi Alternativci,

Večeras sam, naravno, sa vama uprkos činjenici što me zadržavaju
na strogom medicinskom ispitivanju tu, u vašoj blizini. Okupljamo se
o lepoj i značajnoj godišnjici nečega što je postalo pokret i pravac,
jedina stvarna alternativa potpuno nemoćnoj i nepotrebnoj srpskoj
kinematografiji. Uostalom, slutili smo to, znali smo to, još kad smo
se pre trideset godina ovde okupili da saberemo utiske o izvorima i
mogućim konsekvencama jedne duhovne pobune. O kako želim da ta
pobuna još potraje, da se tek sad razmahne i zato uz vas stojim ovih
dana više nego ikada.

Dear Alternative film and video makers,

Tonight, I am with you, naturally enough, despite the fact that I have
been detained in an institution in your vicinity for some strict medical
examinations. We have gathered here to celebrate a wonderful and
very significant jubilee of something that has become a movement
and an artistic field, the only true and genuine alternative to the
completely feeble and superfluous Serbian cinematography. Of
course, we had anticipated this and we knew this even back then
when we first gathered here thirty years ago to exchange views and
impressions regarding the sources and possible consequences of
a unique spiritual rebellion. O how I wish that this rebellion would
continue in its manifestation, wishing it to further increase in its
strength and scope and that is the principle reason why I stand here
alongside of you in these recent days, offering my full support you,
more so now than ever before.